Thursday 16 May 2019



What is the causative factor for cracked heels:

As per ayurveda the cracked heel is caused due to the vitiation of vata.This vitiated vata causes skin dry,rough and fissures in heels.

How vata vitiates:

Exposing to dry and cold weather increases vata in body.It turns to vitiated vata.
Walking bare foot for long distances.
Continued pressure on feet causes cracking of skin on heels.

As per modern medicine:

Cracked heels also known as heel fissures,it happens due to lack of moisture or care of your feet.
This is one of the most common problem in all individuals,Lets see what are the causative factors for this condition.


Long standing at work or home especially on hard floors.
Ill fitting sandals or shoes that don't support the heels from expanding sideways under pressure.
Deficiency of minerals,vitamins,zinc,malnutriton.
Poor circulation problems.
Hormonal imbalance condition such as thyroid,oestrogen etc
Walking barefooted or in footwear such as thongs,sling or open backed sandals which dry out feet.
Unhygenic conditions leads to fungal/Tinea infections.This conditions also initiate the cracked heels.
Unhealthy,dry scaly skin that can be caused by climate,such as low humidity during winters and summers.
Obesity can increase risk of cracked heels because of excess weight being placed on the heel pad will cause the heel pad to expand.Dry skin is often unable to support the expansion of your heel pad and eventually cracks.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes are at higher risk for cracked heels due to uncontrollable blood sugar levels can damage nerves in feet.

Home remedies:


This is one of the best and easiest method to treat cracked heels at home easily.
Take some warm water in basin add some soap liquid to it.Mix it well now soak your feet in that basin for 20 to30 minutes.Use pumice stone to gently scrub off the loosened dead skin cells.
Rinse off your feet with clean water and pat dry with clean towel.
Apply some moisturizer to your feet and wear cotton socks over night.
Do this process daily before going to bed until your cracked heels cure completely.

Coconut oil:

cocout oil is one of the incredible remedy for dry,cracked feet.It helps in moisturizing your feet and also fights against fungal and bacterial infections.Soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes and scrub with a loofah.Dry your feet thoroughly and then apply coconut oil on you feet massage it gently for 10 to 15 minutes.
Wear clean and dry socks next day morning wash it thoroughly.
Do this process daily before going to bed until up to cure.

Turmeric powder and castor oil:

Make a paste with castor oil and turmeric powder apply it over effected site for ten to 15 days.

Honey and warm water:

One of the best and simple method to treat cracked heel is honey and warm water.
Why honey because it is considered as natural antiseptic and it has soothing properties,revitalizing the skin etc,
Let we see how to do this process.. take half bucket of warm water mix one cup of of honey to it.stir it well.Now soak your both feets for 20 minutes.
Scrub well to obtain soft feet...
Do this process until your feet become soft.

Milk and honey:  

Peoples when they don't take proper care of feets,they suffer with cracked heel.So it is essential to follow daily regimen of cleansing and moisturizing your heels.If you already suffering with crackedheels then exfoliate them daily and moisturize them till they are cured.The mix made with the combination of milk and honey acts as natural exfoliate .let's see how its made.
Milk 2 parts
Honey 1 part.
Take the quantity as per need.[For example two cups of milk and one cup of honey or two glasses of milk and one glass of honey.In this way you have to prepare it.]
Now pour milk and honey in to a foot soaking basin and mix it well.Add this mixture as per requirement.
Soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes.After that start doing massage for 10 minutes in that basin only.After completion of this procedure wash your feet with luke warm water.

Neem leaves and Turmeric powder:

Take some neem leaves,crush it well to make a fine paste add three teaspoon of turmeric powder,mix it well now apply this mixture on effected site leave it for half an hour.After that wash your feet with luke warm water and dry it.

Petroleum jelly:

This is one of the best and esiest way to treat the crack heels.First soak your feet in luke warm water or 10 to 15 minutes.Then apply petroleum jelly all over heels.wear socks for better results.

Rose water and glycerin:

First method:
Glycerin:This is one of the  medication is used as moisturizer to treat or prevent scaly,rough,dry,itchy
and some minor skin infections like diaper rashes,skin burns from radiation theraphy etc.And also this medication
easily available at local pharmacies.
Rose water:It has natural anti inflammatory propraties which helps to cure some skin infections and it has good fragrance.
Let we see how to use this glycerin with rose water to treat cracked heels easily at home.
Rose water 3/4 part,
Glycerin 1/4,
Lemon juice from half piece,
Warm water enough to soak your feet,
Salt 1tspn,
Pumice stone.
Procedure:Mix 1/4 part of glycerine with 3/4 parts of rose water.Add fresh lemon juice to ths mixture.
Take enough quantity of warm water add one table spoon of salt mix it well,now soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes.If you want you can add lemon juice to this water so that your dead skin cells may loosen quickely.
Now rub your feet with a pumice stone to drop off dead skin cells.Now clean your feet with neat dry cloth.Apply this glycerine mixture to your feet.
Do this process daily before going to bed.once your cracked heels is cured,apply this mixture daily for few more days to prevent recurrence of cracked heels.

Second method:
Take equal quantity of rose water and glycerin mix it well. Apply this mixture on heels and feet massage it for few minutes. Do this process over effected side daily at nights before going to bed.


Alovera: Its a wonder plant and also it is called as immortal plant,It contains more than 500 species of flowering succulent plants.This plants has been used therapeutically for many centuries in china,japan,india,greece,egypt,mexico,and japan.
Alovera contains many vitamins including A,C,E,Folic acid,Choline,B1,B2,B3,B6,this is one of the few plant that contains vitamin B12.
Some of the 20 minerals found in Aloevera include calcium, megnesium, zinc,selenium, sodium, iron,potassium,copper etc
Hence this is one of the best herb to treat cracked heels caused by fungal infection,This is good remedy for diabetic foot too.Diabetic foot when cracked may harbour lot of bacterias and germs giving rise to further complications.So tulasi being anti microbial is good for such cracks.Even neem leaves can be used to treat cracked heels in diabetic patients.
Now wee see how to prepare it..

Aloe vera gel 2 tspn,
Turmeric powder 1tspn,
Tulasi leaves paste 1tspn,
Camphor powder 1tspn.
Mix all this ingredients to get fine paste,
Apply this paste to your cracked heels.Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes,
Wash with luke warm water.Do this process for 10 days more after healing of cracked heels.
If you are unable to do this process.Do with plain alovera gel.Apply this gel twice daily.

Exfoliating scrub with the combination of rice flour,honey,applecider veniger,olive oil:

You can make one of the best exfoliating scrub for cracked heels with the combination of rice flour,applecider veniger,honey,olive oil easily at home.

How to make:
Rice flour 3 table spoons,
Honey 2  table spoons,
Applecider veniger 1 to 2 table spoons,
Olive oil few drops,
Warm water to soak feets.
Make thick paste by mixing the above mentioned ingredients in a bowl.
Soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 25 minutes.
Rub gently with a towel or cloth to drop off the dead skin cells.
Now apply this paste over effected area and massage it gently for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off with luke warm water.Do this process daily up to become cracks free.

Lemon juice:

Lemon juice acts like bleaching agent which can help in skin whitening process.Due to its acetic nature it can be used to treat cracked heels.Cut a lemon in to two equal halves.Squeez the juice on feet and rub it for 5 to 10 minutes.Now gently scrub your feet with soft cloth or brush.After that wash with warm water.
Take some warm water in basin add another half lemon juice to it.Soak your feet in that basin for 15 to 20 minutes.Do this process for twice or thrice in a week.


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